Therapeutic Services
Sessions are virtual via the telephone and last an hour and thirty minutes.
Soul Awareness Energy Healing Treatment
A spiritualized meditative technique using intention and awareness brings in the divine healing light of your soul to guide the treatment and inform the healing necessary to address current challenges. Through a gentle and effective 5 step energy healing process of prayer, awareness, exploration, release and gratitude, long held patterns and belief systems can be transformed.
Pre-Surgical Treatment
Any surgical procedure can be a cause for concern. This treatment focuses on readying your entire energy body for surgery using the Soul Awareness Healing Process. Transportation routes to the medical area, spaces within the medical facility, and any lodging locales are cleared with vibrations raised to facilitate a smooth and harmonious healing experience. Your higher self, and the higher selves of all your medical professionals, are called forth into the healing vortex. The vibrations of all medical instruments are raised and brought into alignment with your energetic signature, and side effects for any needed medications are cleared, making sure to keep the main effects intact for your body’s healing benefit.
Post-Surgical Treatment
A complement to the Pre-Surgical Treatment this treatment preferably takes place within 48 hours following your surgical procedure. First, the anesthesia that remains in your physical and energetic bodies is cleared out. Your chakras are then cleared, balanced and re-aligned. Next, your auric field, energetic and physical bodies are re-balanced, nourished and harmonized via the light of your soul. Last, your energetic body’s surgical incision is sutured with light to speed up your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual healing.
Chakra Clearing/Balancing Treatment
Your chakras can become misaligned and weighed down with toxic energies from past traumas. When their shape, vibration and color becomes disordered, you may feel the effects of low energy and inharmonious vibrations throughout your entire being. Here your chakras are examined in-depth for any chaos, cleared and brought back into vibrational alignment, through your soul’s light, to match your personal vibration of peace and harmony.
Auric Field Strengthening and Clearing Treatment
Within your aura there are four distinct layers corresponding to your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. Just as your chakras can fall into disarray so, too, can your auric field. Stuck emotions, such as grief, anger and fear, can cause this to occur. In this treatment each part of your auric field is cleansed, re-aligned and strengthened energetically to invigorate and heal. Your auric field is brought back into balance and harmony, allowing the light of your soul to flow more easily and effortlessly within to nourish and invigorate your body, mind and soul.
Independent Negative Energies Treatment
Independent negative energies, INEs, are energies foreign to your own energetic body. They can be picked up in a number of different ways, causing disturbances and imbalances within your energy system. In this treatment Soul Awareness Healing is used to locate, acknowledge, transform and release these energies. This frees you from their negative effects, increases your vitality, and allows you to return to a balanced and natural state of being within yourself.
Pranic Clearing Treatment
Your energetic body can become saturated with toxic debris which can cause inflammation and tightness within your physical body. This debris can disrupt your body’s innate healing wisdom, and move deep down into the cellular level. Physical symptoms of pain and discomfort usually begin within the energy body. This treatment engages the light of your soul to sweep through your auric field, chakras and physical body cleansing, healing, energizing and rebalancing you. The clearing of energetic debris can re-engage the body’s innate wisdom which can allow your body to heal more quickly.
Accident and Chronic Conditions Treatment
This treatment addresses the underlying energetic circumstances which can cause accidents and chronic health illnesses to occur. These conditions are located, assessed and held via the Soul Awareness Healing technique. When the vibration of these patterns are gently held within the light of your soul, subsequent releases can bring deep and profound healing. Further, engaging the body’s innate healing power, one can see broken bones, sprains and other soft tissue wounds, healing in record time.
Dental Diseases Treatment
It has been said by many natural dental health pioneers that all dis-ease begins within the mouth. Further, it is known each individual tooth is energetically connected to a different body organ. In this treatment, therapeutic support is given to all dental and oral health challenges, toxins are energetically cleared and all needed, and desired, dental health restorative treatments are energetically supported via the Soul Awareness Healing process. This can lead to greater health and healing within your entire physical body.
CBD and Other Cannabinoid Products Consult
CBD oil and cannabinoid-based products can be taken internally and applied topically to support your Endocannabinoid System (ECS). These products can facilitate pain reduction and support your body’s healing wisdom. Our ECS is similar to a big receiver within which our internal systems can plug into for support and energy. It is commonly known that oil and water do not mix. Zilis has patented a system that makes their UltraCell CBD Oil water soluble; thus making their CBD products most effective. I have personally found Zilis’ CBD products to be a wonderful adjunct to the Soul Awareness Healing process. This consult focus on your current concerns and can discern if Zilis’ CBD products could benefit you in the long and/or short term to aid your healing journey.